


for detailed information please contact: 






2021 - 2022 Biodiversity of Waldviertel fishponds

2019 - 2021 Establishing the Cyanophage Hunters Network (CHN) – the enigma of lysogenic phages in Limnospira fusiformis (funded by our university for enhancing in-house cooperations)


2018-2019 Down by the riverside - impacts of the "Frequency"-music festival on river communities (K3-F799/001-2018 state government Lower Austria)

2017-2018 Pilotstudy HansagKult – algae cultivation in green houses (Hansag Food KG)

2014-2015 „AstaFit" (BDI company).

2013 Astaxanthin - Analyses (BDI company).

2012-2013 SAM - Synergy of wastewater treatment and algae cultivation“ FFG 834360.

2008-2013 Factors controlling abundance of Arthrospira fusiformis”, FWF, P19911-B03.

2010-2011 Principal investigator of "ALGEN-KULT – Photoautotrophic biofilm cultivation for pond detrophication" (MA 45 – WH – 567/11)

2010-2012 Principal investigator of „Algae growing on Viennese buildings“ Hochschuljubiläumsstiftung der Stadt Wien H-2081/2010.

2008-2011 Principal investigator of “BIDIAL” Biodieselgewinnung aus Mikroalgen (biofuel production from microalgae; cooperation partner BDI Biodiesel International )

2006-2010 Principal investigator of “Species delineation and autecology of Spirogyra LINK 1820.” FWF P18465-B03.

2010 Preparatory funding of the academic partnership AQUALOGY. 

2008-2009 Climate change impacts on the trophodynamic couplings of temporary wetland foodwebs. Acciones Integradas Project ES 16/2008.

2005-2007 Principal investigator of „Algal communities in springs of the Austrian national park Kalkalpen”.

2003-2004 Principal investigator of the project „Viennese clay-brick pond limnology“ Hochschuljubiläumsstiftung der Stadt Wien H-1422/2002.

2000-2002 Associate of the scientific project „Gewässergüteforschung Neue Donau“, coordinator of the work package phytoplankton.

1999 – 2004 Associate of the study „Salty biotopes in Austria“

1999 – 2000 Principal investigator of the scientific project „Allelopathic interactions between stoneworts and other algae” Jubiläumsfondsprojekt der oesterreichischen Nationalbank Nr. 7470. 

1999 – 2000 Associate of the project „Application of nuclear DNA markers (SSU rDNA) for the reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships in euglenophyta“ Jubiläumsfondsprojekt der oesterreichischen Nationalbank Nr. 7485. 

1999 - 2001 Associate of the scientific project „Hydrological connectivity of the backwater system Maria Ellend and Regelsbrunn (Stromkm 1905.0 - 1895.5)", coordinator of the work package phytoplankton and hydrochemistry. 

1997 – 1998 Principal investigator of the scientific project „Algae as a potential food source of tadpoles“ Jubiläumsfondsprojekt der oesterreichischen Nationalbank Nr. 6157. 

1997 – 1999 Associate of the scientific project „10 years Gießgang Greifenstein“. 

1996 – 2000 Associate of the scientific project „Investigation on the spatial and temporal distribution of benthic evertebrates in salt pans of the Seewinkel area“. 

1995 - 1997 Associate of the scientific project „Restoration project Alte Donau". 

1995 - 1997 Associate of the scientific project „Hydrological connectivity of the backwater system Maria Ellend and Regelsbrunn (Stromkm 1905.0 - 1895.5)", coordinator of the work package phytoplankton. 

1995 Associate of the FWF project “Marchfeldkanal”. 

1994 - 1995 Principal investigator of the scientific project „Benthic algae along the right Danube shore”. 

1993 Principal investigator of the scientific project „ Hydrobiological study of the swimming pond Seeschlacht near Langenzersdorf. Potential effects of the Plocher therapy on water quality“. 

1991 - 1994 Associate and coordinator of the project„Macrophytes - management in backwater of the river Danube". 

1990 - 1991 Associate of the FWF project „Autecology of Peridiniopsis borgei Lemm. (Dinophyta)". 

1990 - 1991 Associate of the scientific project „Detrophierungsprojekt Zwillingssee". 

1990 - 1991 research grant „Algal taxonomy and cultivation techniques". 

1989 - 1991 Associate of the FWF project „Chlorophyll-a-amounts in various phytoplankton species".